WELCOME PRISONER to the Hammerlocke Foundation. Here you will be kept for the rest of your life, serving your sentence through participating in numerous experiments. Feel free to enjoy our complimentary continental breakfeast and don't attempt to bypass our facility security.

Obstacles Attractions

Wall piercing turtles
Grass that can control time
A severe lack of fire exits


Right handed (Keyboard)

esc - pause 
r - restart 
x - pick up / throw 
c - jump 
arrows - move
enter - select (UI)

Left handed (Keyboard)

esc - pause 
r - restart 
l - pick up / throw 
k - jump 
a d - move
enter - select (UI)


select - pause 
west - restart 
south - pick up / throw 
east - jump 
joystick - move
east - select (UI)


Ategon - Art, Coding, Music 
Discord - Twitter - Youtube

Majed - Coding

Font is KenPixel Mini by www.kenney.nl
UI sound effects are by Noah Kuehne
The colors are taken from the rampy16 palette by ANoob 

Known Bugs

(these are bugs that got found after the game was submitted to the jam it was made for)

  • The audio manager sometimes cuts out for unknown reasons, it seems to have something to do with level 4
  • When the size of your screen is too big some of the offscreen objects can cover part of it
  • Collisions with the sides of spikes are sometimes sticky


CHP (Windows) 29 MB
CHP (Linux) 30 MB
CHP (Mac) 39 MB


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I enjoy your game it quite difficult. I reach 7 level. I was wondering if it is the last level.

Thanks! Level 7 isn't the final level, it goes all the way up to level 10

Thank I will try to beat it