Perfect Puny Parsec Plasma Planet Pilot
Present promising persistence plus picked punishments

Pugnacious plutonians proceeding plundering planet
Pick powerups plus punishments pursuing potential
Peer plutonian platoons preparing plunder
Ategon - Programming
Coeur - Music & SFX
Vulkaara - Card & Player ship art
n04 - Discovered 1 shader
Secret - was there
Shiftrix - was also there
Bea McCullagh - caught some slimes
Everyone else who hung around Ategon's stream
With assets from:
https://foozlecc.itch.io/void-fleet-pack-3 (Enemy Ships)
https://godotshaders.com/shader/crt-visual-shader-godot-4-0/ (Original version of CRT shader)
https://godotshaders.com/shader/transparent-ripples/ (Shader for ripple on hurt)
https://dinvstudio.itch.io/dynamic-space-background-lite-free (Background)
Px6-WIN.zip 55 MB
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Not the game ide normally play. But yes very good graphics and I can definitely see how people could get addicted to playing it😀
Remind me of space invadors. Love it
awesome game, good graphics and gameplay but not my type of game 6/10 witch is still good based on how i rate stuff test night please if you have time!
very addicting gameplay, Good roguelike. Would love to see a boss battle :)
Okay honestly, this was amazing and really fun! Visuals are amazing, gameplay is amazing, audio is great, this was an all around really fun experience! Well done to all involved!
This is was soooo fun. Lots of polish, and the visual music and gameplay were fantastic! Card mechanic was perfectly implemented and the game felt really good to play overall.
Amazing and soooo much fun! love the screen effect and the playstyle
final result is really impressive , you can tell it's not the first time you're doing this, love the ripple shader! congrats